9:30 – 17:00 Improving Your Selenium WebDriver Tests

Workshop summary

Selenium WebDriver is a popular tool for driving the browsers for test automation. Many companies with browser-based applications have taken steps towards including Selenium WebDriver in their repertoire. There’s also a lot of reports on challenges: brittleness of tests with tests passing and failing randomly, trouble with maintenance as the test suites get bigger and difficulties working with Angular or Ajax enriched applications. If you can’t trust your tests, maintaining them takes a lot of time or your application feels to disagree with being easy to test, your tests might not be adding value.

In this workshop, we focus on Selenium WebDriver tests as code, and look into practices to overcome these common problems. We start with existing tests on an open source application, and we change them through refactoring to improve them. Join this session to improve your ability to create more maintainable and valuable tests with Selenium WebDriver.

Requirements for participants 
Participants need to bring their own laptop with Java (JDK) with preferably Intellij installed (or any code editor should work). The workshop is suitable for people working a few years in the test automation area.