After graduating with a degree in natural sciences of mathematics during my first interview at an IT company all I could say is: “I can fast, wait and think.” (akin to a certain character from a novel by Hermann Hesse’s) Either way, for some reason they liked me and I ended up with having my everyday work concerned with management, development, maintenance and auditing of enterprise information systems. Seeing the not-so-encouraging failure/success rate of many development and implementation projects, one starts looking for better ways, innovation and opportunities for improvement. I am keen to learn, read, listen and share (and apply) ideas and knowledge in many areas such as iterative design and architecture in Agile dev projects, continuous integration / delivery / deployment practices, ops work automation and more.
Also I play golf to a reasonably high level (I have represented the Latvian national team on the international stage on many occasions) and I am infatuated by the study of golf swing technique and the whole high-tech gear and gadget industry around it.